
Sdccd canvas
Sdccd canvas

sdccd canvas

You can always find a link to My Portal from anywhere on the SCCCD website. Preferred email in Canvas will also revert to the email for all. Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) EOPS provides services 'above and beyond' those offered by the college, to enhance the educational success of program participants, beginning with an outreach program that stresses that college is for everyone with a dream, and that success can be a reality for those with a plan.

sdccd canvas

Welcome to the SDCCD Online Learning Pathways website for faculty. The best way to access Canvas, Self-Service, and email is through My Portal. For any technical issues or troubleshooting regarding the Canvas, Learning Management System, the SDCCD Online Learning Pathways has compiled these resources to assist you in getting the support you need: Contact Canvas Directly: For technical assistance, the Canvas helpdesk staff are standing by 24/7 to assist you. Faculty will only have those SDCCD student emails with rosters.

Sdccd canvas